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Are your ideas worthy of the front page? Don’t let them get stuck on paper.

Home: Services

Bespoke design service

If you have drawings or sketches, or even just great ideas on the blueprints of your mind, we can help you develop these concepts into real, tangible products.


By chatting with you to understand your needs, we can then utilise our 3D modelling system to build a 3D picture of your concept or sketch, eventually transforming it into a real product. Great designs want to escape the page – our job is to help you plan the break-out.

Let us tell you about some of our favourite materials

We print in multiple materials, including PLA, PETG, TPU and Resin. Put simply, these are four materials with different strengths and textures, suited to various purposes. When you come to us with your design, part of the process is in determining which material is best for your product.


As experts in these materials, we will be glad to explain which will lend itself most favourably to your item. If you want to talk science and properties, or simply want guidance on which of these materials is going to do your product justice, our team are happy to discuss these particulars with you at the design stage.

3D Scanning. A new way of seeing the world.

We are pleased to offer a service new to Print it Big 3D in the form of 3D scanning. This service involves using 3D scanning technology to take existing parts, items, or even people and create 3D models from this scan.


From this, we can then supply those models to you, either digitally or printed. This service makes it easy to duplicate current products or parts that are already in existence, saving you time and money compared to other methods of reproduction.

You need a service that’s fast and adaptable.

Fortunately, we are quick and creative humans.


At Print it Big 3D, we have the capacity to handle both small and medium-volume orders using both FDM and SLA technology within a short timeframe. We’re a resourceful team that enjoys rising to challenges, and this includes when we encounter sudden changes in volume.


In the face of such changes, we are hard-working and flexible, and our adaptable nature allows us to keep prices low and maintain the level of service our customers love.

Need a low-volume product run to try things out?

We offer small batch production to help you test the waters.

If you’re not quite ready to leap into more costly systems, Print it BIG 3D can help you out. We offer small batch production – the perfect middle-ground for your company’s development, before moving onto more expensive manufacturing processes.


This kind of production is recommended for the likes of jewellery, mounting brackets, clips or electronic casings and enclosures.

Does your product need some after-care?

Any of our 3D printed items can be professionally finished. This is a process undertaken with great precision and care, by hand, and in-house. Whether your product requires sanding, polishing, painting or all three, we’ll make sure it’s completed and in pristine condition.


If your item needs a final bit of TLC then please chat to us about our range of post-processing services. We’ll have it ready for its big debut in no time.

Not sure where to start?

They say there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but at least our friendly and professional advice is available for you to chew over, without costing a penny.


If you’re new to 3D printing, or just want some further guidance, get in touch and we can mull it over together to find your ideal solution.

Home: Contact

Get in Touch

Questions, comments, requests, knock-knock jokes? Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you.

18 Melrose Close


East Sussex

BN27 3XP

Tel: 07976 328620


Contact us with your query, to receive a no-obligation quote or a free sample


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